
To the Right Honourable the Lord High Treasurer of great Britain.

May it please your Lordship

Her Majesty upon the votes & address of the House of Commons having by Warrant under her signe manual directed the Warden Master & Comptroller of the Mint to receive plate into the said Mint & to give receipts for the same after the rate of 5s 5d per ounce for plate {of} the old standard, 5s 8d per ounce for plate of the new standard & 5s 6d per ounce for uncertain plate first reduced to standard, & having directed me to coine the same & pay the money produced into the Receipt of the Exchequer but the Parliament not have yet enacted the taking to the said receipts in the exchequer dated after 14th day of May, & yet the moneys not being payable into the Exchequer which cannot be done untill the said Receipts of the Plate I humbly lay before your Lordship that the Importers will lose the interest of their money if it remain in my hands untill the next sessions of Parliament: & therefor{e} pray your Lordship that I may be sufficiently authorized by a Warrant under her Majestys signe Manual to pay to the said Importers the moneys produced out of their Plate or any part thereof in proportion to the weight of every species of plate imported them, & to take their Receipts for my discharge in my Accounts of so much moneys paid


And not only Officers were admitted into their Offices by imposition of hands, but even all believers, after they had been admitted by baptism of repentances & remission of sin into the number of the disciples of Christ at large then were admitted & incorporated into some synagogue by the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery of that Synagogue & those that were cast out of the Synagogue by excommunication or revolted from the synagogue to any heretic{al} communion, were not readmitted into the synagogue without the same ceremony of laying on of the ha{nds} of the Bishop & Presbytery. The bishop first laid on his hand & then the Presby there d{id} the like, & this ceremony was not performed among the Iews by fewer then three.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

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