
The Act of 18 Car. II, chap. 5, saith that no moneys leviable & payable by this Act shall be applied or converted to any use or uses whatsoever other then to the defraying the charge or expence of the Mint or Mints, & of the Assaying melting down wast & coinage of Gold & Silver & the encouragement of bringing in of Gold & Silver into the said Mint or Mints there to be coyned &c. The first is the charge of supporting a standing Mint, the second is the further charge of carrying on the coynage in that Mint. And by the next Clause of the Act the first is limited to 3000li for preventing extravagance, & the other is left unlimited for encouraging the coynage. The words are: And it is hereby further enacted, that there shall not be issued out of the Exchequer of the said moneys, in any one year, for the fees & salaries of the Officers of the Mint or Mints & towards the providing maintaining & repairing of the Houses Offices & Buildings & other necessaries for assaying melting down & coyning above the summ of three thousand pounds sterling money, & the overplus of the said moneys so kept or to be kept as aforesaid shall be employed for & towards the expence wast & charges of assaying melting down & coynage & buying in of gold & silver to coyne, & not otherwise Here the charge of salaries & buildings with their appurtenances necessary for constituting a Mint (such as are Hearths & chimneys convenient for furnaces, floors convenient for Mill rooms, blocks for the presses & flatters benches for the cutters & for the Graver & smith, tables for weighing telling & sizing stalls & Desks for the Clarks money chests & boxes for the Treasury, & Pix {illeg}ells Pumps & Pipes for water doors & locks for the Offices, Gates for the Mint &c) are limited to 3000li, & the overplus is for defraying the charges arising by the coynage such as are the charge of stationary ware for the clerk{s} ballances & weights for several Offices, Furnaces Cuppels water-silver, Aqua fortis & charcoal for the Assay Office, refining & allay for bringing the gold & silver to standard, flasks furnaces melting & wast in the melting houses Mills Dyes coyning & wast in the other offices. Indentures & Warrants for carrying on the coynage, & charges of making trial pieces & trying the Pix.

After the making of this Act the salaries upon the establishment of the Indenture amounted unto 2600li & there remained only 400li for the providing & repairing of buildings which charge in the old Accounts usually amounted unto two or three & sometimes almost 400li per annum And the Incidents in the Wardens Account came to about 180li per annum or within 20 or 25li over or under. And there is an Article in the Indenture which obliges the Master to pay unto the Warden such summ & summs as are payable by him for salaries & repairs & such other expences of the Mint as have been heretofore usually paid by the Warden.

The Act made in the 4th & 5t year of her Majesty reign for enlarging the summ of 3000li to that of 3500li was not intended to charge the 3000li with any sorts of payments which had not been used to be put upon it but on the contrary to make more room for bearing those sorts of payments which used to be put upon it, as the words of the Preamble import. And accordingly a new salary of 400l per annum was settled upon the Moneyers presently after the passing of the Act. And the Salaries of the Clarks of the Mint being thought too small were intended to be augmented. But it was thought fit first to take care of the old buildings which were ready to fall. And since that <354v> time there has been spent upon rebuilding old houses & offices & extraordinary repairs about 900 or 1000li. And a part of the charges of rebuilding the Engineers shop comes into the Account of the year 1712.

In the Account of that year the salaries upon the Indenture payable by the Warden are 1435li, those payable by the Master to the Officers 1080li, to the Smith 40li in lieu of 50li, & to the Graver for an Apprentice. 35li in lieu of 95li. The new salary to the Moneyers is 400li. And the charge of the buildings in the Wardens Account is in one article 389li. 2s in another 11. 13. 6. Total 3390l. 15s. 6d.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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