

Hammerd silver mony paid & received from the Mint by the

Receiver General & Cashier of the     Customes .


Certificate of hammerd Silver mony paid into & received from his Majesties Mint by the Receiver Generall & Cashier of his Majesties Customes

( 6 )


An Accompt of hammerd Silver mony paid into and received from his Majeties Mint by the Receiver Generall & Cashier of his Majesties Customes

Restingin Cash the 30th January 1696 to be recoyned as per Certificates ending that day (for the old yeare) on Customes}6346:1:512          Paid into the Mint 22397ozs: 17dwt: 12gr which at 5s 8d per oz comes to6346:1:512.
Resting more in Cash to be recoyned as per Certificate ending 13th March last which was omitted to be charged the 30th January 1696}24016:8.          Paid into the Mint 850oz which att 5s 8d per oz comes to240168.

Resting in Cash the 24th Aprill 97 on account of Tunnage of Shipps84:-:9          Overpaid 24th Aprill 97 excluding 84£ 0 9d on Tunnage account358:1812
May        11th Paid into Exchequer as by tally this day3000:-.
May the 10 Received from the Mint in new milld money on Customes5811.V196}6586:18.112.          Charges and Loss at the Mint774:18:712
Deducted att the Mint for charge of 1st & 2d melting refineing ~ Coyning and other Incidents &c}774.18.712        15th Paid by Warrants from the Lords of the Treasury as by the enclosed list of Particulars428:1711
          Paid by the Commissioners Orders as by the like List1862:16:1
               Overpaid this 15th of May 1697485:8:2            Paid severall Persons uponDebenturs287:1811}64711.1112
Silke debenturs218:19:112
Jn Knight Receiver Generall7072.6.312

Certificate of hammerd Silver mony paid into & received from his Majesties Mint by the Receiver Generall & Cashier of his Majesties Customes

                         No. 7

An Accompt of hammerd Silver paid into & received from his Majesties Mint by the Receiver Generall & Cashier of his Majesties Customes

Resting in Cash the 13th March 1696 to be recoyned as per certificates ending that day on}Customes3616:19912}11677:0101Paid into the Mint 45201oz 10dwt which at 5:s 2d per oz comes to11677:1:1
Additional Importens866:13:212


May 15th Received from the Mint in new milld money onCustomes5445:9:6}11300:66.          Overpaid the 15th May 169748582
Silke1995:9:.May th 15 Paid into Exchequer as by tally this day onCustomes2445.9.6}8300:6.6.
Additional Imponens838:13:.Tobaccoe464.13
Additional Imponens838:13:.
Deducted att the Mint for the charge of 1st & 2d melting refineing coyneing and other Incidents &c}376:14:7.          Charges and Loss att the Mint376:147
11677:11.       22th Paid severall Persons upon Debentures2389:129
               Resting in Cash on Customes 22th May 1697124:19:1

Jn Knight Receiver Generall


Certificate of hammerd Silver mony paid into & received from his Majesties Mint by the Receiver Generall & Cashier of his Majesties Customes

                         No. 8


An Accompt of hammered Silver money paid into & received from his Majesties Mint by the Receiver Generall & Cashier of his Majesties Customes

Resting in Cash the 24.th of March 1696 to be recoyned as per Certificates ending that day on           Customes          Paid into the Mint 53046:oz 15.dwt 5.gr which att 5:s 2d per oz comes to13703:15:4.
                                        Additional Imponens337:0:9
                                        Coffee for Transports1110:17.912


          Resting in Cash on Customes the 22nd May 1697124.19.1.May 22nd Paid into Exchequer as by Tallies this day on Customes3969:15:8.}10261:14.2.
May . 22nd Received from the Mint in new milld money on Customes6969:15V8}13261:14:2.Silke1509:13:612
Tobaccoe480:3:5Additional Imponens326:3:312
Additional Imponens326:3:312Coffee for Transports10751:1.
Coffee for Transports1075:1:1.          Charges and Loss att the Mint442:1:2.
Deducted att the Mint for charge of 1st & 2d melting refineing coyneing and other Incidents &c}442:1:2.        28th Paid by Warrants from the Lords of the Treasury as by the enclosed List of particulars315:14:7
          Paid by the Commissioners Orders as by the aforesaid List506:8:5
13828:14:5.          Paid severall Persons upon Debenturs1512.4.712
                    Rests in Cash on Customes the 28th May 1697790.11.512.

Jn Knight Receiver Generall


Certificate of hammerd Silver mony paid into & received from his Majesties Mint by the Receiver Generall & Cashier of his Majesties Customes

                         No. 9


An Accompt of hammerd Silver mony paid & received from his Majesties Mint by the Receiver Generall & Cashier of his Majesties

Resting in Cash the 10th of Aprill 1697 to be recoyned as per Certificates ending that day on}Customes8606:0.812}17003:11:612Paid into the Mint 65820oz: 6dwt which att 5s: 2d per oz comes to17003:11.612
Additional Imponens2071:6:.
Coffee for Transports279:13:4.

Resting in Cash on Customes the 28th of May 1697790:11512June    2d Paid into the Exchequer as by tallies this day onCustomes5328:8:6}13455:1:6
June    1st Received from the Mint in new milld money onCustomes8328: 8V:6}16455:1:6.Silke2709:13:34
Tobaccoe126:16:712Additional Imponens2004:9:9
Additional Imponens2004:9:9.Coffee for Transports270:12.9
Coffee for Transports270:12:9Charges and Loss att the Mint548:10:012
Deducted att the Mint for Charge of 1st & 2d melting refineing Coyneing and other Incidents &c}548:10:01214003:11:612
5X Paid by severall Persons upon Debenturs895.17212
17794:3:-Paid by the Commissioners Orders as by the enclosed List of Particulars326:-.
                    Rests in Cash on Custome Accompts this 5th: June 1697256814.3

Jn Knight Receiver Generall


Certificate of hammerd Silver mony paid into & received from his Majesties Mint by the Receiver Generall & Cashier of his Majesties Customes

                         No: 10


An Accompt of hammered Silver mony paid into & received from his Majesties Mint by the Receiver Generall & Cashier of his Majesties Customes

Resting in Cash the 24th. Aprill 1697 to be recoyned as per Certificates ending that day on.}Customes42512.512}Paid into the Mint 38374oz: 6dwt: 2gr which att 5s. 2d per oz comes to9913:7:.
Addtional Imponens393512:-12
Coffee Transports128:4.8.
Tunnage Ships137:7:.

Resting in Cash on Custome Account 5th June 16972568:14:3.June 18th Paid into the Exchequer as per tallies this day onSilke580:12:11}5346:13:01.
June 17th Received from the Mint in new milld money onCustomes4113:19:912.}9593:11:5Additional Imponens3808:12.11.
Silke580:12:11Coffee for Transports124:1:1012
                         9592. 16. 5Wine833:V5:412
                      Diff.      0 15 . 0Additional Imponens3808:12:11Charges and Loss att the Mint319:15:7.
Coffee for Transports124:1:101219th Paid severall Persons upon Debenturs1942.14:1012.
Tunnage of Shipps132:1.612Paid by Warrants from the Lords of the Treasury as by the enclosd List of Particulars40:-..
Deducted att the Mint for charges of 1st & 2d melting refineing Coyneing and other Incidents &c.}319.15.7.Paid by the Commissioners Orders as per Ditto List950:9.4
12482:01:3.Resting in Cash on Tunnage Account this 19th June 1697.132.18.612
Resting in Cash on the Custome accompts same day.3749.9:10.

Jn Knight Receiver Generall

6642.14- 12
668214- 12

Certificate of hammerd Silver money paid into and receivd from his Majesties Mint by the Receiver Generall & Cashier of his Majesties Customes




An Accompt of hammerd Silver money paid into and received from his Majesties Mint by the Receiver Generall and Cashier of his Majesties Customes

Resting in Cash the 8th May 1697 to be recoynd as per certificates ending that day on}Customes78662.912}12845:18.412.
V Wine21524:012
V Additional Imponens1262:51112
Coffee for transports400:-:-.Paid into the Mint 44201 ozs 10dwt which att 5s 2d per oz is11418:14:4
Duty on Glass100-..Paid into Ditto        5037 ozs which att 5s. 8d per oz is1427.4:-.12
Tonnage Shipps12:7.6
Paper Vellum &c.16418:112845.18.412
Received from Charles Orchard Collector of Exon on Customes1400:0:0Paid into the Mint by tale1400.-.-

Resting in Cash on Tunnage Accompt 19th June 1697132.15.612
Resting in Cash the same day on Custome Accompt3749:9.10Augt 7th Paid by Warrants from the Lords of the Treasury as by the enclosed List of particulars}3261V13:9
Augut 2d Received from the Mint in New milld mony onCustomes7612.8:0}VPaid to the Severall Officers in the Port of London in part of the Quarters Book att Middsummer last.}3000V.13:9
V Silke859:70
V Wine2082:15.6.
V Additional Imponens1113:15:.12309.12.0}Paid by the Commissioners Orders as by the abovesaid List3358:1.{1}
V Coffee for transports387:2:.Paid Debenturs. Customes 1000 Wines & Vinegar 462. 2. 31462:2.3.
Glass96.15.69th Paid into the Exchequeron Silk859:7:.}4223:2:9.
V Tunnage11:19:612845:18:412V Wine.1620:13:3.
Paper145:10:V Coffee387:2:-
Deducted att the Mint for charges of the 1st and 2d melting & refineing coyneing and other Incidents}536.5:1012Glass96.156.
Additional Imponens1113:15..
Received from the Mint for the Produce of the 1400£ by Tale per Contra being}754:1:3.}1400.-..Paper145.10..
Charges and Loss att the Mint536:5:10}1182:4:7.
Deducted att the Mint for Charges of the 1st & 2d melting refineing Coyneing & other Incidents. &c }645:18:9.Charges & Loss att Ditto for the 1400645:18:9
Resting in Cash on Tunnage Accompt the 7th Augt 97144:15.-.12
Resting in Cash on the Custome Account the same day1363:8:9.

Jn Knight Receiver Generall

Mr Knight this Certificate brings forward a remaine of 132. 15. 612 Tonnage dutys which was in his hands 19 June 1697 and do's not add it to his Receipt in that weeke which is 17995. 8. 2. 12 Whereof 11. 19. 6 is Tonnage Yet he ballances his Account of Payments with the said Remaine of 11. 19. 6 132. 15. 612 & } In all 144. 15. 012 Which payments amount this the Remainder said but to 17995. 8. 2. 12 So that it is plaine he must be Surcharged with the 132. 15. 612

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