
The above named Christopher Emerson alias Burrows the 18.th day of May 1704. further Informeth and Saith that on Satturday the 29.th of Aprill last this Informant met the abovenamed[Editorial Note 1] Edw.d Holt at Long Preston in the County of York, at the stable end near the Sign of the Sunn (the Said Holt refusing to go into the house or to be seen with this Informant there) and there Holt order'd this Informant to be at his house on Monday next following, which this Deponent did accordingly and lay there that night and from thence went the next morning to the Shop of John Ryley smith, as is above mentioned, and there finding the Said John Ryley this Informant told him he was sent by Edw: Holt, by the same token that he had <1v> given the Said Holt a receipt for cureing the Farsie upon which token Ryley was free with this Informant, and im̄ediately went to work by this Informants directions, in makeing Hoops or Rim̄s for casting Counterfeit money, and all that day (viz.t) on Tuesday the 2.d of may instant this Informant continued working, and Instructing the Said Ryley at his Smithshop, where this Informant dined out of a peice of pye which the Said Ryley brought to his Shop, and at night this Informant went back to holts house to bed, and the next morning went to Ryleys Shopp, where he continued all that day, working with and instructing the said Ryley, and did also dine at the Shop, and at night went back to Holts to bed, and the next morning returned to Ryleys shopp, and continued working there and instructing as aforesaid untill about 1. or 2. a Clock of that day when the wife of John Ryley came and told her husband, that all things were ready at her house, and towards the Evening being the 4.th of May Instant, this Informant and John Ryley went from his shopp to his dwelling house (about 12 a mile off) where within night there came both Edw.d & Thomas Holt, and a little after them came the within named[Editorial Note 2] Samuel, John & Alex.er Fletcher's, and then they all went to work in the presence of the wife of Jo.n Ryley and Judith their Daughter, in makeing counterfeit money, and they did that night cast about 15.£ in counterfeit Crowns & halfe Crowns which was made of a mixed Metall prepared according to this Informants direction, & brought thither by the Said Edward Holt, the same being made of Block Tyn Tyn-glass, white Spelter and Antimony, And as the money was costing (and before it was quite cold) some of the Standers by rubb'd the peices over with a white Powder or past made of Aqua Fortis with Silver fileings, and a dram of Tartar compounded or mix't togeather And about day break on fryday morning the company parted, when he this Informant went to bed in the same house of John Ryley and from that time continued in Ryleys house till thursday the 11.th of May instant, and then went back again to Holts house where this Deponent lay that night, and the next morning came againe to Ryleys, and takeing with him 12. Iron Hoops or Rim̄s, whereof Six were filled with lead, and were the same that were used in the casting the 15.£ before mentioned, but the other Six were not filled with Lead, but were rough and unfixed, and this Informant took them all away, togeather with an Iron pann, such as is used to melt lead in, and was one those pannes that was used in the casting the 15.£ before mentioned And on the same Fryday the 12.th of may Instant, this Informant with the said 12 hoops, & melting pann in a whote Coarse bagg went to the house of Thomas Watson (near Sr Nicholas Sherborns at Stanihurst in this County of Lanc.er) and lay there that night. And the next morning, went with his said Tooles and Bagg to the house of Edm.o Staining before mentioned[Editorial Note 3] where this Informant with the privity and consent of the Said Edm.o Stanings wife, lade the said 12 Iron Hoops & melting pan under a table in a little dark Room or Closet in the house of the said Staning, this Informant first shewing her the 12. hoops and melting pann telling her what mony this Informant had cast with them the week before at John Ryleys house and she telling this Informant that her husband was then at one Richard Goodings house <2r> about a mile thence, And this Informant went thither and found the said Staning and told him of the Iron Instruments he had left with his wife as aforesaid wherewith he seemed very well pleased, and after that the Said Staning, desired this Informant to goe to Henry Elletsons house at plumb geen in Furness Fells in the Said County of Lancaster, who (Staning said) could pass off any money into Scotland and that way. And thereupon this Informant promised to Goe over to Elletsonss and that same night Viz.t) on satturday last, this Informant got to Gangate in Ellell within 3. miles of Lancaster and the next morning came to Lancaster.

And this Informant further saith, that the Bagg and Six Iron Hoopes and melting pann now shew'd to him, are part of the Instruments So left as aforesaid by this Informant at Edm.o Stanings house on Satturday the 12.th Instant, but are none of the 6. Hoopes made use of in the casting of the 15.£ as aforesaid but the melting pan was made use on at that time.                     Christoꝑ his X mark Emerson Capt. et jur apud Lancr. in Com Lancr anno et die Suꝑdit coram nobis Cha: Rigby        Tho.s Sheston

[Editorial Note 1] See Deposition No. 480.

[Editorial Note 2] See Deposition No. 480.

[Editorial Note 3] See Deposition No. 480, there and further here spelled "Staning".

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