
Com Lancastr. SsThe Information of Thomas Beesley taken upon Oath before Cha Rigby &c.t Feb. 6.th 17034.

Who upon his Oath Informeth and saith that on or about the 8th day of October last, this Informant came to the house of one Edwd Gervace about a mile from Garstang towards Harnworh Moor with whome he this Deponent hath been acquainted some time before, And after some little discourse, this Informant told him the Said Gervace of the Informants Art of makeing Counterfeit Crown peices from Copper halfpence, & desired the Said Edward Gervace to let him make them in his house, which he willingly consented unto, this Informant went to work, and laying two Copper halfpence beaten out thin togeather with some Solder between he then put them into the fire and so fixed them, and after that this Deponent covered the peice over with a thin peice of beaten Silver, laying Solder between the Silver and the Copper peice and then putting it into the fire, this Informant covered the Copper peice on both sides with Silver, and the Edges with thin silver alsoo, and at that time he stayed 4. Nights at that Gervaces house, and the second day of his comeing, he made five of those peices covered as aforesaid at the makeing whereof the Said Edward Gervace was present, and assistant, by Ham̄ering out the Silver Thinn for covering the same, but 2. of those 5. peices miscarried the Silver being too much burnt; and upon the fifth day after this Deponent first comeing thither, this Informant telling the Said Edwd Gervace that he design'd to go into Yorkshire, about 3. miles from Askrigg, the Said Gervace told this Deponent that he would furnish him with an horse if he were mindfull to ride, and this Informant leaving his house in the Evening of the 13. day of October last, the Said Gervace betwixt 7. & 8. a clock that same Evening met this Informant near Goverthwait bridge, about 2. Miles from the Said Gervace's house, with a Mouse coulour'd Gelding with a Dun white starr in his forehead, desireing this Informant to fest him at some pasture, in Yorkshire, untill he shud call or send for him, so this Informant told the said Gervace he would leave him with one Abram Tennant in {Marcet} about <1v> three miles from Askrigg, which this Informant did on sunday night the 14. day of October last desireing him to put him into some pasture near him, till this Informant or some freind of his should call for him, this Deponent leaveing with the Said Abram Tennant 12s-6d in good money by Order of the said Edward Gervace to pay for the Horse's graseing &c.t This Informant doth beleive the Said Gervace, Stole the same Gelding from Alice Solisbury: since that the said Abram Tennant told this Informant that he had fested the Said Gelding with one william place of Blackamoor Edge in Yorkshire. On tuesday the 16.th day of October last this Informant went with his before mentioned 5. plated peices, to the house {of} Miles Berk (with whome this Informant had been acquainted with before) and shewing him all the 5. peices desired him to stamp them three of which (the other two being burnt) the Said Miles Berk stamped them on both sides and mill'd them on the Edges, but did not let this Informant stand by or see them so stamped, but after Shew.d this Deponent 2. pair of Crown Stamps or Seales, and one pair for halfe Crownes, all which he said were cut by Henry Horsefaile of Lancaster, and brought to him the Said Berk by one John Tree alias veray, the Said Berk also Shewed this Informant both his Mills wherewith he Mill'd both Crowns & halfe Crowns - upon this Informants leaveing the Said Miles Berk he sold unto this Informant 13. Counterfeit halfe Crowns for halfe the vallue good money and at the same time Anthony Berk his son sold to this Informant 2. Counterfeit 12 Crown peices for 2s: 6.d Good money. And that the Weeke following he this Informant sould hos aforementioned three Crown peices and the 17. 12 Corwns to the aforesaid Abram Tennant, for (vizt) five Shillings counterfeit for 3.s Good money. And further upon his Oath saith that about a fortnight before last York Assizes, this Informant being at the house of Thomas Townsend, at Linn-Gill about Six miles from Settle and five from Clapeham in Yorkshire this Informant did see Michael Turner, cast 13, counterfeit Shillings in a mould made of Chalk, and about 4. days after Turner told this Informant he had given them all to one John Hardy who lived near the aforesaid Abram Tennant to put off for him. And further saith that about June last this Deponent being listed as a Souldier under Captain Lee, in the Earl of Derby's Regiment he run from his Coulours, and goeing to the house of the beforenamed Miles Berk bought of him 4. Counterfeit Crown peices for 10.d in good money, and after wards sould 2. of the said peices to John Goose of Bonds in this County Tanner (telling him they were counterfeit) for 7.s in good money. That a little before last Christmas the Said John Goose, told this Informant that he being paying away 5.£ (and amongst it the Said 2. Counterfeit Crown peices) to a man in poulton in this County, who suspecting them to be Counterfeit broak or cutt one of them, and finding the same to be bad kept them both as the Said John Goose told this Informant - And also saith that on Michlemas day last at Lancaster one Thomas Charnley about 3 miles from preston bought of this Informant 2. Counterfeit Crown peices for 5s. good money he knowing them to be Such, he the Said Charnley haveing <2r> before that time bought of this Informant Severall parcells of counterfeit money.     And further upon his oath saith that about the month of June last William Burn of Barniker in this County, bought of this Informant at the Said Burns own house two Counterfeit Crown peices (knowing them to be bad) for Six Shillings good money. And further saith about two years ago one Richard Williamson of Neather wyresdale, bought of this Informant in Weddicar pasture one Counterfeit Crown peice for 3.s & Sixpence and about the same time this Informant Sould to Widdow Ellin Bryry at Carters house in Barnicar one Counterfeit Crown peice for three Shillings                           Tho.s Beesley Capt. et jurat apud Lancaster anō et die suꝑ dict coram Cha: Rigby

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