Lancaster Ss The further Information of Henry horsfaile Taken upon Oath this 27.thday of Aug.t 1703

Who saith that about 3. or 4. Years agoe this Informant shew'd to John Kirkham a quire of Counterfeit Stamp paper of Lancaster aforesaid and the Said Kirkham asked this Informant where he got it, and what the Informant could do with it, who told the {Said} John Kirkham that it was counterfeit Stamp paper, the Said Kirkhā reply'd counterfeit, as it will counterfeit is the same to me, for I buy of George Taylor, I'le give the 5. shillings per quire for it and this Deponent took five shillings for that paper. this Informant further saith that about 3. or 4. years agoe being in company of Tho.s Backhouse of Lancaster, this Informant shew'd the Said Backhouse a Sheet of Counterfeit Stamp paper which this Deponent told the Said Backhouse was counterfeit, & the Said Backhouse compared it with some paper he then had in his custody. which the Said Backhouse tould hime, he had of George Taylor of Lancaster, and was of the Stamp which he had of this Informant and this Deponent saith Since that time the Said Backhouse, has had about 3. quire from this Informant.

This Informant further saith, that he was once in Company with Thomas Beesley of Garstang about 2. Years agoe, when this deponent asked the Said Beesley, if he wanted any stampt paper <1v> and at the same time Shewed him some Counterfeit Stamp paper, about 12 a quire to the best of his memory and told the Said Beesley he would sell it him at halfe the price which this Deponent did accordingly and Since that time he the Said Beesley has had a quire or two of this Informant      And further saith that about 2. Years agoe, he delivered one Quire of Counterfeit Stamp paper, to Phillip Butler of Rackliffe in this County, and received five Shillings for it from the Said Butler, and Since that the Said Philipp Butler has had about 12 a quire of Smaller and 12 a quire of Larger Stamp paper of him this Informant to the Best of his memory, he the Said Butler knowing it to be Counterfeit

And further saith that about the year 1699. that Ralph Baines & this Informant met Richd Parkinson of Goosenarg at Inglewhite in this County, and gave the said Richard Parkinson a pair of Dyes, to counterfeit Shilling to See what Impression they would make: Some days afterwards this Deponent and the said Richard Parkinson met the aforesaid Ralph Baynes at Garstang in this County, and he shewed them 2. or 3. peices of Silver-like Mettall Stamped, which he Said he did stamp with the Said Dyes, which he received from this Informant and Ralph Baines, and further saith that about the same time, the Said Ralph Baines did bring a Silver Spoon to this Informant, who melted it down and Cast one Shillings Ralph Baynes being present; And further saith that about 6. years agoe did deliver at Ulverston in this County two Quire of Counterfeit Stamp paper unto Edmund Gibson of Porkhouse the Said Gibson knowing it to be Counterfeit. And furth saith that about 5. years agoe, John Foster of Lancaster Counterfeited Severall Sheets of stamp paper in this Informants Garrott.

And further saith that about five years agoe he this Deponent gave 6. sheets of counterfeit Stamp paper to John Horsfaile of Lancaster, which the Said John Horsfaile received of him knowing it to be Counterfeit; and he further deposeth and Saith that about 4. years agoe he this Informant did counterfeit some Stamp paper in the presence of Abram Rawlenson of Ronslane in Harness Fell, and delivered one Quire of the said counterfeit Stamp paper to the said Abram Rawlenson and sometime after the said Abram Rawlenson, did buy a Counterfeit seal or Stamp for paper of this Informant                          Hen: horsefaile Capt. et jurat an̄ et die suꝑ dict coram nobis Cha: Rigby Tho: Sherston tho Hodgson

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