Middx Ss The Deposition of John Parker of the parish of St: Maryle Savoy taken the 24th of November 1703

That Monday last was sevenight or thereabouts a woman who called her Chiney came to the deponents shop to buy a flock ticking at night for which she paid six Shillings to the Deponents wife, who the same night gave the money to her husband, the deponent, & he further saith, that taking money out of his pockett the same night he took notice that two half crowns were counterfeit and suspecting that Chiney might have been the person who paid them to his wife, he the next night sent his servant to her house to enquire for her about 8th a clock upon the servants knocking at the door the light in the house was putt out, and a man told him out of the window that - Chiney was gone to Gravesend to her husband the next morning the deponent sending his servant again, was told by one in the house that - Chiney was in bed, and they could not disturb her, the same day in the afternoon the deponent sent his wife and his servant to the house who were told that - Chiney was at Gravesend and had writt a letter to them that she should not be in town before the monday or tuesday following, since which time the deponent has made no further enquiring after her                      John Parker capt: Jurat coram medie et anno præd:      J Stanley

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