Middx Ss The Information of Roger Gribbell of the parish of St Sepulcres London Taylor taken upon oath this 22nd day of December 1702

Who saith that he hath been acquainted with Mary Sherston & her husband for above two years past and that he used to Assist the Said Marys husband in the turning of a wheel in order to make brass candelsticks and further sayth the said Mary Sherston and her husband did instruct him this Informant to cast pewter half pence in a Mould and to give them a copper colour with Roman vitrioll in imitation of good half pence, in their (then) dwelling house in shoe layn, and he further upon his oath saith, that about three weeks agoe he together with Eliz: Butcher, going towards white Chappell to sell puddings & sauciges and such other things they mett just by Aldgate with Mary Sherston aforesaid together with ann the wife of Rose Iron and the said Sherston did then tell this informant, and the aforesaid Eliz: Butcher that they the said Sherston and the Said Ann Iron were glad to see them for that they wanted sadly to speak with them, this Informant told them if he knew where they lived he and the Said Eliz: Butcher would come upon them that day about 4 a clock and according to their direction did call upon them a Callicoe Printers in virginia Street near Ratliff high way and the said Sherston did in the presence of Ann Iron in the said Irons own Lodging, give unto the said Eliz: Butcher one counterfeit Shilling, and att the same time told this Informant that she made the moulds in flasks with sand - - or metall, and did agree with the Said Eliz: Butcher to give her six or seven counterfeit Shillings such like as that was for 12 a Crown in good money, and according she the Said Sherston together with she the said Ann Iron did bring some the next day to this Deponents Lodgings in Seacole layn and exchanged them as aforesaid, And this Deponent further saith that he together with the aforesaid Eliz: Butcher did severall times afterwards go unto the Said Irons and Sherstons lodgings in virginia Street aforesaid and did exchange good for bad money after the rate aforesaid, and in the presence of the said Rose Iron and Ann his wife, and the said Mary Sherston would say it is all one if they dealt with the Said Rose Iron his wife or she and would often as ask this deponent if he had then dealt with the said Rose Iron for counterfeit money. And further saith that the Said Rose Iron did bid this deponent not to take too much of that counterfeit money of Sherston for that in a little time he should have far better or to that effect, and would make it of much bettwe metall then hers was and did severall times propose to this deponent to be with & assist him in counterfeiting the currant coyn of this kingdom and Said that they would make a great quantity against Christmas and then goe into then country to putt it off.     Roger Gribbell capt Jurat an: et die perdie coramme J Stanly

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