Middx Ss The Information of Jane Salt Spinster taken this 15th day of Septr 1702

Who saith that about Michaelmas last past she this Informant did assist Eliz: Bond in the makeing and moulding the impressions of shillings and sixpences in spau with flasks, and melting block tin and Pewter together in an earthing pott, or crucible and pouring the same into the flasks so moulded as aforesaid and took therefrom Counterfeit Shillings and sixpences to the sum of about 8£ or 9£ in tale in the dwelling house of the Said Eliz: Bond in the parish of St George,s Southwark and some few days afterward the Said Bond did intice this informant to assist her in the said art of counterfeiting the currant coyn after the manner and in the place aforesaid to the sum of about four or five pound more And this Informant further saith that she hath been present with the Said Elizabeth Bond and her Nephew one Francis Smith and Susannah his wife in the Lodging of the said Francis Smith as well in Long Acre as also in Holbourn, file, edge, scower and Rubb the counterfeit money made as aforesaid and when it was finished the Said Elizabeth Bond and Susannah Smith did take the same in order to pass it away, and this informant farther saith that she has seen the Said Fran: Smith and Susannah his wife and their Aint Elizabeth Bond Severall times assist each other in the finishing & cleansing parcells of the counterfeit money cast as aforesaid by this Informant and the said Elizabeth Bond                Jane Salt capt juxrat an et die supdict: cora me J: Stanley

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