
Middx Ss The Information of Eliz: the wife of John Bond of the parish of St Georges's Southwark in the county of Surrey taken this 7th day of Septr 1702

Who upon her her oath that she this Informant being at one Mrs Nicholls's house in Thames Street London about three quarters of a year ago did then and there see Sicily Labree and Jane Salt in a room one pair of stairs in the Said house and at the same did see Labree pour metall & into flasks in the presence <1v> of the Said Salt, did see the said Labree open the flasks and there appeared peices of counterfeit money like shillings resemembling the currant coyn of this kingdome and that she did hear the Said Salt say that they were cast fine, and would do, only they were a little too soft, and she this informant further saith that she did nurse a child for the said Labree about 4 years together, and that the said Labree did pay in part for the nursing of the Said child, to this informant about fifty shillings in counterfeit money about Christmas last, and she further saith that the Said Jane Salt told this Informant, that she could make counterfeit money better then that of Labree, and shewed her how she might distinguish the one's makeing from the other.                                    Elizabeth her E mark Bond Jurat capt: die et ann: sup: dicta cor me                 J: Stanley

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