
The Examination of John Gibson of Skitby in the county of York Labourer apprenhended and accused for the Traiterous counterfeiting the currant coyn of this Kingdome Taken before me this 6.th day of Aprill Anno domini 1702.

Impr This Examinant saith that within the space of twelve months last past he hath been severall times at the house of one Thomas Eaton in Newland where he and the said Eton and the Said Etons wife frequently coined shillings & six penny peices of block tinn and Pewter mixed together in a wooden Mould, and that one Jo: Shaw now of south cave but late of Skidby aforesaid about a year and a half ago came to this examinants house and told him that one Thomas Gott of Kingston upon Hull had taught him the said <1v> Shaw to counterfeit money and shaw produced a wooden instrument which he called a mould which was about half a yard long whereupon they fell to work, and coyned eight or nine shillings of Pewter and block tin mixed together which Shaw affirmed he brought from Hull, And this Examinat also saith one Henr. Playfair late of Skidly was present and assisting the said John Shaw, & this Examinant when they coyned the said eight or nine shillings as aforesaid and that the said Shaw told this Examinant that one John Wilkinson of Cottingham carpenter made the said mould they the Said examinant shaw and Plafair then coyned in, butt this Examinant doth beleive the Said Wilkinson did not know what use the said Mould was for, and this Examinant doth confes that he did coyn the four counterfeit Shillings which were found in his cupboard att the searching his house, which he coynd in a wooden mould, which this examinant made himself, And this Examinant further saith that he being one day at the house of the abovenamed Thomas Eton in Newland aforesaid the said Eton carryed this Examinant into a cockloft there and shewed him a pair of Iron or steel stamps for coyning shillings, which stamps the Said Eton took out of the thatch in the said cockloft and further this Examinant saith not capt cor me die et anno supra dict.                               John Gibson Edw: Barnard

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