Middx Westm.er } Ss The Deposition of Henry Hodson of the parish of St Andrews Holbourn Gent. taken this 13th of December Anno 1700

This Deponent saith that he does verily beleive that one Elizabeth Franklin doth or lately did Lodge with James Mathews of Waysbury in the County of paper maker where she with others does practice the Trade of diminishing Guineys & that the Said James Mathews does usualy once in three weeks or oftener come to London to putt off the Said diminisht & counterfeit Guineys this Deponent further Saith that the Said Elizabeth Franklyn did one time which this Deponent cannot well remember pay to this deponent one counterfeit Guiney which he the Said Deponent hath yet in his custody that this deponent upon receit thereof told it was a bad counterfeit Guiney she replyd it will goe well enough & if this Deponent would keep his Councell she would Infrom him all & maintain him so long as he should live or words to the same effect.

                                             Henry Hodson Jurat Die & anno præd. coram me           J. Stanley

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