
John Yeoman Robt Buckley & Sam.ll Davies all of theSaid Citty of Chest.er Ironmongers being Severally Examined upon Oath Severally say, That between 7. & 8. a clock this Morning they were walking together beyond the New Tower of the said Citty upon the Sands of the River Dee intending to See a little Ship there in building and they then and there observed a Young man (who is a stranger to them but being now present calls himself John Fallows) put his hand into a Bag lying upon the Sands near the Said River, and these Examinants asked him what was in the Said Bag, who made answer that he thought there was something for coyning of Money, whereupon these Examinants with the Said John Fallows, Searched the said bag and found therein the 5. Iron Instruments now produced, One of which is a box with four Screws in it, togeather with 15. punches for letters now produced, and one of the three dyes which are also produced (haveing been impressed on wax upon the other side of this paper) but these Examinants know not which of the said dyes was found in the said Bagg, the other 2. dyes being also there found by these Examinants loose in the said River near the same place,, And these Examinants and the said Fallows, looking about them farther in the said River, saw another lesser bag therein about 3. Yards from the Shoar, upon which the said Fallows <1v> Stept into the Said River and with a Hook Stick drew the said lesser Bag out of the said River which being im̄ediately open'd was found to contain Two brass Instruments now produced (each of them haveing Six Iron Screws) and the other Instrument of Iron now also produced. And these Examinants Severally Say that they know not where how or by whome the said Instruments or any of them were conveyed into the places where they were so found as aforesaid.                               John Yeoman                               Robt Bulkley                                Sam: Davies

Capt Jurat die et an̄o Supradict coram      Wm Bennet Mayor      John Williams

                    Vera Copia                     Exam p Roger Comberbach Cler pacis &c.t

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