|Com Ebory Ss. }| The Informaion of W:m Robson of Cotherston in the north Riding of the County of York yeoman taken upon oath before me this 27th Day of May in the 1st year of her Maj:tys Reign Anno Dom: 1702

Who Informeth and upon His oath saith that for ye space of two years last past he hath been acquainted with James Blades of Swaledale in ye north riding of the county of York miner and that within the said time he hath frequently seen in the custody of ye said James Blades at Cotherston aforesaid and at Gateshead in the county of Durham divers tools & instrum:tts for coyning half crowns and that ye said James Blades hath often shewed the Informant severall counterfeit half crows wch he said were coined by himself and further told him that he could coyn a hundred pound of such money in a weeks time if he had a convenient house for that purpose, and the informant further deposeth that ye said James Blades did several times give him the informant counterfeit moneys to utter for him and also desir.d him to make interest to others to putt of his Sd counterfeit moneys for him, and he farther deposeth and saith that the said James Blades told him that he the Sd James Blades could coyn guineas if he had a stock for it and being examined further saith not W:m Robson capt: & Jurat Corā me Die et anno pradict: } William Bowes

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